A group of European astronomers has discovered an ancient planetary system that is likely to be a survivor from one of the earliest cosmic eras, 13 billion years ago. The system consists of the star HIP 11952 and two planets, … Continue reading
In ancient Earth history, the sun burned as much as 30 percent dimmer than it does now. Theoretically that should have encased the planet in ice, but there is geologic evidence for rivers and ocean sediments between 2 billion and … Continue reading
BOSS (the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey) has just announced the most accurate measurement yet of the distribution of galaxies between five and six billion years ago. This was the key pivot moment at which the expansion of the universe stopped … Continue reading
Somebody has created a video condensing the history of the Earth He says This video was done for educational purposes, as it was made for a geology project. All rights and credit belong to National Geographic and the Pixes. Time … Continue reading
NASA has released two videos. One takes viewers through the moon’s evolutionary history, and reveals how it came to appear the way it does today. The other gives viewers a guided tour of prominent locations on the moon’s surface, compiled … Continue reading
The researchers found that in the first 1.5 billion years or so of the Earth’s history, the average net rate at which new continental crust formed remained high, at about 0.7 cubic miles (3 cubic kilometers) annually, enough to establish … Continue reading
Megavirus chilensis is a giant virus isolated off the coast of Chile in 2010. It probably contains enough genes to encode over 1000 proteins, more than most bacteria. It seems to have originated either from a eukaryotic cell or from its … Continue reading
Archeological evidence points to the sudden appearance of strikingly modern behaviour in humans around 50,000 years ago in the form of sophisticated tools and art like painting, sculpture and engravings. A possible reason for this could be the development of … Continue reading
This on-line game lets you free a mammoth from the ice, create fire and invent the wheel, all with a time limit. Needless to say I was too slow to achieve anything! Short History of the World – Online games … Continue reading
Reuters reports that the French government is likely to renew its ban on GM maize despite its highest court ordering the ban illegal. The government claims that MON810 is a risk to the environment. Monsanto, which manufactures the seed, will … Continue reading