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The complete history of the Universe -- from the Big Bang to 200 my into the future

History of the Universe eBook. 398 pages, 300 illustrations only £5.99

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Perhaps it was during the Paleoproterozoic Era that revolutionary new forms of cells first appeared.

They probably started when the anaerobe made a big new membrane to trap the aerobe. It took some of the genes from the aerobe so it could never leave. The aerobe now became a mitochondrion, a permanent resident, unable to live outside the parent cell. The process of one organism capturing another and living together for mutual benefit is called endosymbiosis, meaning "symbiosis inside".

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History of the Universe eBook. 398 pages, 300 illustrations only £5.99

eBook only £5.99
398 pages, 300 images

"I find the science fabulous...an extremely useful teaching tool."
Professor David Christian.