Charting the slow death of the universeDate:August 10, 2015Source:European Southern Observatory – ESOSummary:Astronomers studying more than 200,000 galaxies have measured the energy generated within a large portion of space more precisely than ever before. This represents the most comprehensive assessment … Continue reading
Wandering Jupiter accounts for our unusual solar systemScientists say Jupiter swept clear the inner solar system, resulting in the formation of a planetary system unlike any other astronomers have yet found Source: Wandering Jupiter accounts for our unusual solar system … Continue reading
After 15 years of measurement and another eight years of scrutinizing and calculation, the particle physics collaborations H1 and ZEUS have published the most precise results about the innermost structure and behaviour of the proton. The two experiments which took … Continue reading
Two independent teams have found compounds including nitrogen and carbon dioxide on Comet 67P, which can form sugars and amino acids. Source: Building blocks of life found among organic compounds on Comet 67P – what Philae discoveries mean … Continue reading
“Most people look at a cliff and just see a pile of rocks. But when I look at a cliff I see millions of years of geological time.” says Zoe Shipton, Professor of Geology at Strathclyde University. She explains what … Continue reading
Stars form within clouds of gas and dust as they collapse under gravity. Over time, the surrounding dust particles acquire icy mantles which stick them together, forming icy snowballs which gradually grow to form larger-size rocks. Due to the rotation … Continue reading
Tickets are now available for the Universe Story Event which will take place at 10:00 to 17:00 on Saturday 14 March 2015. Programme During the day delegates will hear the complete history of the universe, from its origin 13.8 billion … Continue reading
The fossilized remains of mouse-sized tree-dwelling animals suggest that mammals first appeared in the Late Triassic, more than 200 million years ago, researchers report in Nature September 10, rather than in the Jurassic, which was the previous theory. Reference Three … Continue reading
A report in Science suggests that, contrary to previous ideas of the evolution of feathered birds from dinosaurs with scales, perhaps even the earliest dinosaurs might have had a mixture of feathers and scales. The authors of the report (led by … Continue reading
We have changed the frequency of our newsletter from quarterly to monthly, since news which is three months old can hardly be called “news”! To subscribe to our newsletter, click here. … Continue reading