Watch children experience the epic of evolution in 40 steps in a fun, interactive, and highly illustrated way. Connie Barlow has been bringing this curriculum to children since 2006. It is structured as a walk back through the timeline of life, using data presented by Richard Dawkins in his 2004 book, “Ancestor’s Tale: Pilgrimage to the Dawn of Evolution.” On our journey we stop at 40 “confluences” where we humans meet an ancestor that we share with other species alive today. For example, Confluence #1 happens 6 million years ago in our walk back through time. There we greet the great-g-g-g grandparent we share with chimpanzees.
Connie leads this program by using guessing games, rhymes, song, and movement. She gradually adds components — including inviting volunteers to read scripts in character of a creature. The video is posted in two installments:
“Ancestor’s Tale for Kids – interactive program based on book by Richard Dawkins”
All the instructions, slides, and scripts are freely downloadable from Connie’s educational website: